Schedules of Condition
What are Schedules of Condition?
A Schedule of Condition is a factual record of the condition of any manner of commercial property, normally prepared for legal or contractual reasons.
A landlord, tenant, building manager, contractor, or neighbour would appoint an independent surveyor to prepare a Schedule of Condition for a number of reasons.
When it relates to the Party Wall etc. Act 1996, it provides evidence of the condition of the neighbouring building prior to works beginning. The party wall surveyors can then re-inspect the building to determine whether any damage has occurred and if repairs should be carried out.
A Schedule of Condition may also be required when a new lease is entered into. It will confirm and record the condition of a property before the lease term commences so that any existing defects are identified prior to the lease being signed. This can in turn limit the tenant’s liability for those repairs at the end of the lease. When establishing responsibility for dilapidations and reinstatement NTR Commercial understand the importance of a Schedule of Condition. Our approach is through and easy to understand with extensive photo evidence.
External elements include:
- Roof
- guttering
- elevations (walls, cladding, windows, doors, curtain glazing, rainwater goods)
external areas included in the lease – car parking, loading bays, external outbuildings
Internal elements include:
- ceiling
- walls
- floors
- windows
- doors
- services (provided by an M&E Consultant on larger buildings)